Web Hosting – Craft CMS Websites
Craft CMS is an intuitive content management system for building websites and applications quickly and efficiently. Craft is ideal for custom web and app development projects, providing developers with a blank slate to create exactly what they desire instead of wrestling with themes. Craft uses PostgreSQL and MySQL databases as back ends while Twig powers its front-end front end interface. Craft takes security seriously by issuing software updates regularly that fix bugs and close vulnerabilities quickly.
Craft is well equipped to help manage updates without necessitating a complete database export and import, offering features to simplify this process without disrupting live site operations. Changes to settings and content models can be tracked with Project Config files found within the config/project/ directory that can be committed for version control purposes. If changes involve more than simple updates, Craft provides Content Migrations which allows for the preparation of live content before deployment.
No matter how you deploy a site, a host must meet both its performance and reliability needs. Craft can run on most hosts; however, certain ones have earned a solid reputation among Craft’s community of users. Learn more about selecting a host that meets your requirements with our Introduction to Hosting (opens new tab) article.